13 Cameras – Review

It's safe to assume that practically everyone has a fear of being watched. Have you ever thought that maybe someone was watching you through your webcam, even though it's supposed to be turned off? Ever feared someone could be watching you through the windows of your home? There's a reason we experience a moment of panic when we just get a feeling that someone is watching us. Typically, this feeling is unwarranted, but it's definitely unwanted, either way. This is the exact problem that newlyweds Claire and Ryan are facing. With a baby on the way, they decide to rent a home. Unbeknownst…

Review Overview

Visuals / Camera
Pacing / Editing
Entertainment Value / X-Factor
Mood / Atmosphere

Total Score

Creepy in a Human Centipede II sort of way.

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It’s safe to assume that practically everyone has a fear of being watched. Have you ever thought that maybe someone was watching you through your webcam, even though it’s supposed to be turned off? Ever feared someone could be watching you through the windows of your home?

There’s a reason we experience a moment of panic when we just get a feeling that someone is watching us. Typically, this feeling is unwarranted, but it’s definitely unwanted, either way.

This is the exact problem that newlyweds Claire and Ryan are facing. With a baby on the way, they decide to rent a home. Unbeknownst to them, their landlord has installed hidden cameras in their little love nest and is watching their every move, and he will do anything to protect his dangerous obsession.

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The Review

This is one of those instances when you’re laying in bed at night, and you’re desperate to find something to watch on Netflix. It just so happens that 13 Cameras was in my queue, so I gave it a shot.

The film opens up with text explaining how there’s thousands of people being watched every single year unbeknownst to their knowledge, which is definitely a scary thought, but it’s also common sense, and felt like a cheap way to say “Hey, this is based on a true story,” but without actually doing it.

While it’s somewhat of a typical story, you’ll find your emotions being toyed with. First of all, you’re going to feel for the young couple that’s being watched by their creepy landlord. Secondly, you’re going to really begin to feel bad for the pregnant woman in the film, as maital issues begin to arise.

Our antagonist, played by Neville Archambault, is definitely a creepy guy in that Human Centipede II sort of way, which makes the whole situation feel that much more icky. This is especially true when you find out that he’s even installed cameras inside the toilet bowl. Grimy!

If you’re hoping for something that’s going to be nonstop action, you’ll want to look elsewhere, as this isn’t the film for you. However, if you want in an insight as to just how creepy some people can truly be in this world, you’ll want to give this a watch.

Final Thoughts

While this movie isn’t the most original thing I’ve ever seen, it’s still worth a watch and definitely works for a late night Netflix movie.

About Bojangles

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