“Voorhees” coming in Spring 2019.

With the ongoing litigation surrounding the Friday the 13th franchise, fans of the slasher series have been left in limbo for the foreseeable future. Fortunately for F13th fans, independent filmmakers have stepped up to fill the void. Vincent DiSanti’s 2017 F13th fan film “Never Hike Alone” (by Womp Stomp Films) was a resounding success in late 2017. It was so well-received by audiences that many established horror YouTubers (ala Cody Leach & Drumdums) went so far as to include “Never Hike Alone” in their respective Friday the 13th movie rankings.
Director Cody Faulk (Wet Paint Pictures) is the next director to throw his hat in the ring with his F13th fan film “Voorhees”. After surpassing his Kickstarter campaign goal of $8,000 back in January with a laudable $13,736 final count, Faulk pivoted into developing “Voorhees” as a full-length feature film. Faulk released an official trailer in late November and with already over 150k views, F13th fans have latched onto “Voorhees” with hopes that it becomes the next great fan film in the series.
The official trailer leaves some easter eggs that should excite hardcore F13 fans: the tombstone of part 5’s imposter killer Roy Burns, the incorporation of criminals as central characters (a loose callback to part 3’s biker gang), the use of the Moravian Cemetery in Hope, NJ as a location (used in part 1, etc). It is abundantly clear that this film was made by someone who loves the series.
“Voorhees” is coming in the Spring of 2019. Check out the trailer below and let us know what you think!