Hey everyone, Steven A.K.A. Bojangles coming at you with some of the hottest horror news at the moment.
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Lately, I’ve seen a few articles pop up about the upcoming remake of Pet Sematary. As a horror fan, I try my best to keep up with the latest horror news, and I’ve been doing this for a long time. Over the years, I’ve seen tons of rumors pop up about a Pet Sematary remake. Hell, I’ve even seen some rumors pop up about a possible Pet Sematary 3.
Below, I’m going to list out some of the rumors I’ve heard about the Pet Sematary remake, which will apparently be released sometime in the near future.
The remake will be “10 times more scary,” than the original.
Juan Carlos Fresnadillo (28 Weeks Later) is set to direct the film, and he also penned out the script with Jeff Buhler (The Midnight Meat Train). Buhler is promising that this film is going to be a very dark, scary film, as he and Fresnadillo have been fine-tuning the script for the past three months, trying to perfect it for maximum horror effectiveness. In an interview with Dread Central, Buhler went as far to say that this film is going to be “10 times more scary,” than the original film:
The characters in this script make some tragic decisions, and the horror is about the ramifications of those decisions. here are still the supernatural aspects of the book, with the pet cemetery and the burial ground from which things come back from the dead, but the real horror is, ‘What do these things do to the family? What does it do to a person to see their child killed, but then to know that they can bring them back? How do you tussle with that idea? And if and when you make that choice, what does that do to you? Will that child be the same? How can life ever return to normal?
This is pretty far from the 1980’s film, which I adore for certain things that are very intrinsic to that time period in terms of the genre, like a truck driver smoking a joint to a Ramones song. But when a little kid comes back with a scalpel and is like, ‘I want to play with you,’ it kind of becomes Chucky. With this one, we really wanted to get into the emotional aspects of it. There’s still plenty of visceral horror that’s explored, but I’ve always felt that if you lean more into the characters and into their emotional lives, when the visceral shit hits the fan, it’s ten times more scary.
Now, this is just a personal opinion, but I find it hard to believe that a remake is going to be more scary than the original. Don’t get me wrong, I certainly do hope it’s scarier, but…
Yeah, point freakin’ proven…
The remake will be PG-13.
Despite what you think from reading the above, apparently they’re going to try and shoot for a PG-13 rating. Obviously, this will be so the teenage crowd can fill up some of those theater seats. Either way, this is a bit disheartening.
There was going to be a Pet Sematary 3.
The Pet Sematary remake has been in development hell for a long time, so it’s no surprise that at some point there were rumors of a Pet Sematary 3. This is a little surprising, seeing as how most people I talk with don’t even know that there was a Pet Sematary 2. Yes, folks, before his cocaine binges and beating his wife, Edward Furlong was starring in films like Pet Sematary 2.
Either way, the rumor mill was spinning and apparently the film would focus on a now grown up Ellie Creed and how she’s coping with her past.
The remake will feature a teenage Ellie Creed.
It’s been awhile since I’ve seen this rumor pop up, but I do remember it. It was rumored that in the Pet Sematary remake, Ellie Creed would be a teenager, rather than a little girl. The reason for this is that Paramount wanted the film to appeal to the teenage crowd.
Let’s hear your opinion!
What do you all think about the upcoming remake of Pet Sematary? Also, what are some of the rumors you’ve heard over the years about the remake? Let us know by leaving a comment below! IF you’re a hardcore horror fan, you could even sign up over at the TalkHorror forums!
Considering how dumbed down and sanitised horror movie remakes are, particularly when aimed at kids ( think the Poltergeist remake), if the Pet Semetary remake is PG-13 I’ll cheerfully give it a miss and wait for the next nonslasher horror movie made for adults – even though it tends to be a long time between drinks. It’s a shorter time between drinks for a slasher film/torture porn- but quite frankly, they bore me. New and novel ways to kill victims gets pretty samey pretty quick.
Am I the only one who gets sick of thoughtless, forgettable horror movies that consist purely of loud music and jump scares because they were made for kids, not adults? Ditto torture porn – rated for adults, made for kids, if the simple plots are an indication.
Am I the only one who finds them unscary because there’s nothing there to engage my intellect?